One year already !  Colette Merlen left us last October. Her books, especially the former, are still school and authority. The second, less successful, less completely illustrated by editor  is a little disappointing in its layout precisely. The illustrations perfectly beautiful that we made for the occasion are too small. Several appear in this Volume 2, but no enough large, which is not good at all about this.

  We are the authors of many of these unique photos that we had made at the time and offered to Colette, retaining, of course, films and rights must be regulated.

2005. Photo taken in Colette Merlen kitchen who received to have lunch her American friends, Mrs Agnes Sura, Mrs Jane Geroulis and Mrs Marion Bushbom.
    The completely magnificent illustrations which we had made for this volume 2 are reduced to their simplest expression. Some appear but very little; it is impossible to detail them, what agrees in no way on this matter

  You'll find these photos between 1992 and 1999, both the famous Mother House of Hermès Rue du Faubourg Saint Honore in Paris : during a first exposure made there by  Colette with enthusiastic agreement of Mr. Dumas then CEO of Hermes, on the occasion of the completion and exit through small Hermes scarves just for Bleuette; one blue and one coral reproduction of a famous "Carré Hermès", "Brides de Gala".

The three pictures above and two below were taken during the exhibition for the release of small scarves

Although this photo was taken during the same exhibition, Bleuette,
 coquettish girl, tried another scarf, Hermes naturally.

    Then photographs were made in the wonderful garden of Mr. Dumas himself on his personal lawn , always Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, with provision of pataches and other rare items out on purpose for us, at our disposal by the Hermes Museum housed in these places and that few people know. 

Above, seven Bleuette in spring dresses Gautier-Languereau, ready for a walk in carriole

   That day, Colette was accompanied by her daughter-in-law, helped us to set up in late morning. Finally, we lunched together at the restaurant, Jacques, the son of Colette, had invited us to conclude this exciting work in friendship.

Above, three Bleuette in autumn dresses Gautier-Languereau, ready for the golf.
  Hermes bag and clubs.

Above, six Bleuette in winter dresses Gautier-Languereau,
ready for a journey in diligence.

    Afterwards, it was the pictures that we realized to the famous " Salon de la Maquette et du Modèle réduit ", Porte de Versailles, in the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris, at six o'clock in the morning !

  I remember this magical place, available to us when there was still anybody, no visitors ... (with only technicians of surface). Remembrance amazed! We have chosen the plane, across our little dolls all free! (there are our Bleuette shown on the pictures, Colette had never offered to give us some of her own, she was not in Paris ). Here, again, what an extraordinary morning,  truly unforgettable.

Aviator's dress realized by Mathilde Héritier. Semaine de Suzette 1927

   Finally, the last shots were made at our home, ironing clothes, dressing etc. .... 

   In the time to avoid the suntan (against the oukazes of the fashion of moment) and the dust of roads - little being tarred - the beautiful ladies hid the face behind hat veils !

The motorist outfit realized by Mathilde Héritier. Semaine de Suzette 1906.

     It was a pity that you did not benefit from this information that is the source of illustrations of the  second  volume  of  the  Bleuette  study  by  Colette Merlen.  I suggest  you  keep  them  and even  put them in precisely  this second volume.  They  are  for all  those who  love  Bleuette, who know the books of Colette and are still loyal and appreciative of the vital work done.

The garden of the firm Hermes on the roof of the building


   We are extremely pleased to share with you all these photos, almost unprecedented. You can see only thrue bleuette, dressed by Gautier-Languereau or wonderful clothes " Semaine de Suzette "
    Too many prints, even good quality, are destroying this shamelessly charming French heritage left to us by Mr. H. Gautier, Mr M. Languereau, Mr. and Mrs. Canlorbe (Loulotte), Colette Merlen.

    Impossible to mention all those who are passionated and passionately again and again for Bleuette both in France that abroad, the United States in particular.

   The small "Loulotte ", daughter of Maurice Languereau, left us one more than a year, in the biggest discretion - as  Colette, somewhere else. " Loulotte " and her husband, died earlier, are not any more there to stay up the perpetuity of this so small unpretentious testimony wich made happy thousands of  girls and still makes the happiness of collectors' hundreds  of any ages, both in France and in the Stranger………  

                                     Above all, dont forget, not,
                                    "Is not Bleuette who wants"
                                                (F. Theimer).

                                              Héléne BUGAT-PUJOL

 The precedent article is now in Poupendol-Archives


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