The new Exhibition of the Museum of the Doll - Paris, from January 24, 2006 till May 28, 2006, is dedicated in

" Boules de Poils "
le meilleur de la Peluche Française, 1886 - 2006

(" Fur Balls " ....the best of the French plush animals, 1886 - 2006.)


Poupendol so puted in charge his official photographer, Mister OURS "to cover" event. They are the clichés that we present you matched with a brief comment.






This charming exhibition dreams naturally the small and the great. It has also the merit to review and to put in light the numerous French houses of manufacture of plush which gave life to all these kind companions of animal world.


Regardez comme nous sommes sages !


Quelle journée ! Nous n'en pouvons plus !


Born in the XIX-th century and realized at this time, mostly in fur of rabbit, in skin of sheep or goat, or still simply leather, they wanted rather close to real animals by which they were inspired.

En rentrant de la crèche, nous trouvons chez nous des squatters : ...un chat,...un chien,... Le coin est mal gardé !

Il faut bien que jeunesse se passe....

During the XX ème century they " humanized " and idealized in Germany at first with Margarethe Steiff, then in the United States with well-known Teddy Bear of whom everybody knows the born anecdote

Une chèvre et un caneton chez les Ours....Il est vrai qu'ils sont très placides....

Il faut de tout pour faire un monde....


But for an complete historic of this exhibition, we send back you to the site of the Museum of Doll-Paris that you well know. You will find there a long very rich, very didactic, very interesting article.

Ne suis-je pas le plus beau ?
Tout le monde est à mes pieds !

Qu'y a-t-il ? ? On me cherche ? Venez-y-voir !

And to have this one, in more complete still and at hand in your archives, a French / English bilingual catalog is published for the occasion, writes and illustrated with photos by Samy and Guido Odin.

De retour au bercail, nous avons ramené une mignonne.

Ici, c'est Mardi-Gras avant l'heure !

Finally to satisfy your desire for information, as if you were there, you who were not able to move, see below, certain number of photos made on the occasion of the private viewing which gathered naturally, among others , numerous members of the A.M.P.P. , happy to find friends, dolls and to discover this small often funny or touching animal world, with emotion.

Et moi, je suis le rigolo de la bande.....

Nous sommes tous là. Nous vous attendons de patte ferme car.les enfants petits et grands......

The small and great children are going to like the good named ..............

" Boules de Poils " " ( Balls of Hairs ) .

Then rush over the


Impasse Berthaud

75003 P A R I S

< http://www.museedelapoupeeparis.com >

Ouvert tous les jours ( Sauf lundi et jours fériés )
de 10 h. à 18 h.

Photos et texte. Tous droits reservés ©

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