In the catalogs of toys of french " Grands Magasins " , between the two world wars, it is often stated of " Toys made with the Disabled ex-service men ". On this subject, we propose you a very wide extract of Mr Edmond POTTIER's article, in the rare buletin published in 1916 by " L'Art français Moderne " (The Modern French Art ). |
« Is it well the hour of occcuper of toys? When millions people cut one another's throats, when bereavements press on so many hearts, when the mothers cry, what irony to think of the means to amuse the children ! « Let us answer at first this objection of feeling by a reason of feeling. The child, with the smile and the big confident eyes, does not he have to stay except the sadnesses which besiege us ? Moreover, is not it the one who consoles all the sorrows ? The cheerfulness guarantees our force. « Let us give also reasons of professionalism and current events: toys are a business which lives, in these difficult hours, many women and wounded persons, which feeds number of underprivileged artists whose hideous distress hides from the eyes of the world. The toy, finally, is an element of our industrial activity.... |
This impulse for the benefit of the big disabled persons of time was strong enough and porter of hope so that we find, in the course of the various " Catalogues d'Etrennes des Grands Magasins " ( catalogs of New Year's gifts of Department stores ), numerous toys of this same workshop , and it, to after 1935. So, the big french stores as " Les Galeries Lafayette ", " Le Printemps " or " Le Bon Marché " did not hesitate to save themself the exclusivity of a chamber or a dining room. The others as " Le Louvre " or " La Samaritaine " ordered also for holidays some of these charming toys which were so made during about twenty years. It seems although these disappeared gradually when disappeared the wounded persons themselves, the last ones of them having been flooded in the second big conflict which ravaged again Europe from 1939. |
Let us note that, from 1945 and before the end of this last conflict, " Les Arts Décoratifs " organized in this same pavilion named " Pavillon de Marsan " ( in Louvre-Museum ), a new and very important demonstration otherwise of toys, at least around dolls and around fashion ! SMALL HISTORIC (2) There were numerous and various organizations or war works. Nevertheless, among these, " it is advisable to make a wide place for the Workshops of the Mutilated, which have a strong part in the renovation of the French toy. One taught them to make toys to earn the keep by giving of the enjoyment to the children... The most important of these workshops was created by François Carnot, avenue Montespan. It took such an extension as it became a beautiful factory. The " Jouet de France " presents the type of the modern factory and model. It is established in the gates of Paris, at the end of Puteaux's bridge, in the picturesque landscape of this suburb which blends trees, prairies, huts with the suburban streetcars and with the long smoky chimneys of the industrial factories. It is a big and pretty building in reinforced concrete, in walls ingeniously decorated, similar to a nef of cathedral without limping, with buttresses and artistic gargoyles.... All the staff is consisted of mutilated by the great war. The workers are distorted, amputated with an arm, with a leg, with a hand. Circulating in workshops pressed on two crutches, Mister Matthieussent, wounded person to Saint Mihiel in September, 1914, steers these people who are organized in cooperative. In a pretty dining hall, it is able to have for 2 fr, 25 a consisted meal of: hors d'oeuvre, meat, vegetables, dessert, a quarter of wine, coffee, bread with discretion. They will have soon baths and library. It is a model of installation. They are paid 1fr75 by hour. Here is the system which is to teach the mutilated a profession, to organize them industrially and not to let them count on the charity of a pension which will be necessarily insufficient.
Thanks, confectionnés "à l'arrière" en 14/18 Any reproduction rights (text and photos) even partial, rigorously reserved |