In 1915, when prices distibution, a headmaster said:
"Every morning, ask yourself how your day will serve the country. Sacrifice is a duty for all ages, for all time. "
He added: "We want even in your fun, you keep thinking always tense, always a concern troubling,
the thought of France,  whose existence is in question."

 Quoted by Leo Claretie in" The Games of War "

         1915, the year the most terrible, the bloodiest of the First World War !

Illustration of the Neziere for "Christmas War" Semaine de Suzette 1915 p.329

"From the first Christmas of the war, the number of war toys presented in the catalog of department stores rose 25% to 50%.
Some older games, such as snakes and ladders, are processed. One of them is entitled

" In the end to the right, honor and civilization "
(L�o Claretie  ibid )

However, our favorite newspaper and Bleuette continued to go out and always move towards its subscribers
                 despite the situation every day a little more serious.

That year, 1915, however, is very rare, it is almost never does, probably a victim of the unrest and bombings. I searched a long time, everywhere, everywhere, no number, no album. Individuals or families who own the carefully preserved. So when binding this historic year, although in poor condition, was offered to me, the temptation was strong to yield. I still hear Suzanne Gautrot saying, "Take it! Take it, we never found!" What was make really without any hesitation !


But if the binding was still in fairly good condition, the interior was quite dilapidated.It had also suffered the bombing but ... of children! Scrawled, scribbled, torn, missing whole numbers especially in the first half. I was finally able to reconstitute completely, it's not perfect, not beautiful, but it is entirely searchable ... carefully.

 I have preferred to talk about the second half I could see without too much difficulty;

All numbers are similar to those that preceded them, still sixteen pages, many in color *. The topics have not changed, all are there. Only notable absentee that still drawn twice, Becassine. Joseph Porphyre Pinchon, was yet mobilized  . For a book: "Knees on the hook for your soldier," and for the sale of the album "Infancy of Becassine. " We begin to find the signature of its creator ; I found two short stories signed him in the middle of the second semester: one "The dramatic trip flossy" p. 161, 168 169 and 176, the other "Table of Suzanne" p.273 number 44 (1 page)

  A new album, " Becassine during the war," begins with the first number of the first half of 1916 and will end it in the first numbers of the second half of the year. Pinchon just returned from  the Dardanelles.

In that same second half of 1915, we learn the birth of beautiful outfit " Fashion Design " of Bleuette! This is a major concern which also makes the whole point ! You all have heard discussed. Each model has a name. The first drawing is "TIPPERARY" on the first ad, entitled "The New fashion from Bleuette.

Also mentioned but not drawn yet (they will be later)  " Frou-Frou ", " Frou-Frou-Capote ", " Parc Monceau ", " Parc Monceau-Toque ". We can also read a few pages later, a very interesting thing that I knew but had never been able to control

"We will soon announce other new models, created, like these, a" head seamstress "one of best fashion houses in the street of peace, of remarkable elegance and originality. " p.207 ID 39. Then Number 41 page 239:

Then Number 41 page 239: "We will soon announce other new models, created, like these, from a" head seamstress " one of the best fashion houses in the street of peace, of remarkable elegance of originality and that will certainly models for many moms to dress our gentle readers.

Now for the usual annual competition, which in turn, proposes the reading of letters sent by soldiers from the front. In each letter are missing a few words  are missing, it takes to complete the letter guess. The competition consists of eight series whose solutions appear p.224.

Ninth problem in 14 words only, we would now call sub-item, "Create a puzzle called the admiration we feel for our soldiers, the quality of the drawings will not be taken into account, only the generosity of important" .


Finally, and this is too " La Semaine Suzette ", the date which no one has the memory now, that of
August 8, 1914 which marks the entry of French troops on the ground liberating Alsace.

In the last half of this year 1915, very quickly, figured in the "Nous habillons Bleuette"  a small Alsatian dress that I have the privilege to possess, at the time, with her handmade shoes difficult, superb black silk bow in her hair .... lacks nothing, not even the roundel which adorned again very quickly this superb regional costume.

Our charming newspaper " La Semaine de Suzette" what would
be as a History book, I think ... ....


1 )   In 1916 against several numbers, lack of ink colors come out in black and white.


May 2011
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