France of Régions, Europe of Nations

Exhibition at the "Musée de la Poupée-Paris"


Vive les Antilles ! Au centre, un Bébé CAPI, modèle « Myriam » 1955,
Taille articulée en plastique dur. A Gauche, deux autres Bébés CAPI, vers1960, en plastique plus souple. A droite , une Martiniquaise S.F.B.J. moule 247, en carton bouilli, vers 1950.



A coloured and joyful exhibition has just opened, which gathers for six months all the folklore lively and charming of our planet.

More than six hundred dolls - souvenirs from 1930's to 1970's, all marks, materials and manufactures confused remind us the ancestral suits in their variety, their refinement, their flavor of the soil. Entitled


"Souvenirs de France, d'Europe et d'ailleurs ! "

(" Souvenirs of France, Europe and moreover! " )





This exhibition restores us to see the charming customs of numerous regions, Europe notably, and has especially the merit to restore a fame deserved at houses which had made a speciality of these dolls.

Often regional firms as "Philippe" and " Le Minor "in brittany country or " Magali " and " Royal Poupees " in Provence, to quote only these four. This event suggest also making known aspects underestimated by other certain firms, in particular the " Compagnie Industrielle du Jouet " ( Industrial Company of the Toy) " specialized in the production of cars in model reduces mainly Renault.
It edited nevertheless some dolls in the catalog in 1935 .


Poupée Japonaise, vers 1950, à tête et membres en composition à base de poudre de coquillages, costume traditionnel.

Rare « Dominique » S.N.F. en celluloïd. Dans son costume d'origne....neuf, en boïte (4O cm)






Towards the end of this same year, an engineer of Renault, Mister Gérard offered to his wife about fifty them . Surrounded with a fastidious iconography, this one dressed them of very precise suits of the French regions herself, what makes of this set an exceptional document concerning our provinces.

As every exhibition in the Museum of the Doll -Paris, the surprise is for the meeting, the amusement, but also the culture, the gaiety.....and naturally the reception!


Let's go in family, you will see, it is surprising, in profusion, full of colour.

For a beautiful afternoon of holidays or to rediscover the traditions of our grand-parents of whom some even immortalize at present these vestimentary customs...

It is only to go to Brittany for example, in the mass or on quays to sea border, the moving headgears of Sunday .......

In my eyes, less than of folklore, it is more about the perennité of past and of its ancestral customs.




1935 Bourbonnaise avec sa coiffe « Aux deux Bonjours ». Fabrication C.I.J. en Cellose.

Costumes Suisse, Autrichien et Allemand (C.I.J. Cellose)
A noter à gauche une jolie petite Allemande (en celluloïd)
au chapeau rouge tubulaire caractéristique.

For any practical information on the Musée de la Poupée-Paris :

